Monica Marcella Guerra - Conversations with Artists

 I'm a maker that's trying to make a difference. My medium isn't important.  My message is cohesive.  It's all about communication of human issues.  I try to make my work shiny or beautiful - some element  of beauty so that the observer walks in and stays with it for one extra second.  It's about that extra beat that they're with it and all of a sudden I've snagged you.  I'm infiltrating a little bit.   

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Murray Nossel - Conversations with Artists

"Not all art is storytelling, and not all storytelling is art  What I'm interested in is storytelling as an art form -- and a very democratic art form.  It's something that everybody can do.  No matter what your age is, or your intellectual ability is or your education or your race -- it makes no difference.  Every human being has access to our birthright.  It's our birthright to be storytellers."

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Bob Heiss - Conversations with Artists

"Everybody needs to learn to sell -- whether you're actually in the business of performing a service or selling products or goods to people or trying to get them to perceive something.  Even with artists, besides selling their product or their service, photographers for instance have to make people comfortable.  They have to sell their own credibility and help bring people through a process."

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Swiss Chris - Conversations with Artists

(To) understand basic laws of the universe - drumming gets you pretty close - like in dancing - you can't lie.  And you can't lie playing drums.  If you are in search of truth-of-self drumming is probably one of the most beautiful and easy things to be able to channel the truth of life. 

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Katherine Sarkissian
Jack Daniel's Motel No. 7.

The Mobile Studio helped kick off Jack Daniel's Motel No. 7 five-city tour in late November 2015.  It was a perfect fit for us; an-immersive-experience-within-an-immersive-experience.  Loved the energy of the guests and creating portraits on the custom-built set of an old-school "royal suite" took the Mobile Studio experience to a whole new level.  

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